Universal White Time Healing: Level One
"Jeremy is by far the best teacher I have ever had. He has extraordinary intelligence and compassion. He tunes in to his students and explains things clearly and in a way that makes sense to each student. Universal White Time Healing is truly a class of transformation. Jeremy says that UWTH level 1 “opens the door” and that it is up to each student to walk through the door. I truly felt my consciousness shifting on each day of the class and for several days afterward. I was not expecting to feel such a solid and profound shift from a 2 1/2 day class. My purpose for taking the class was to learn how to perform self-healing as I am recovering from a temporarily debilitating disease. I certainly gained the ability to work with White Time and to perform self-healings that I can actually feel working already. I am so glad I took UWTH 1. I highly recommend this class. The energy of White Time is pure, light, soft, and benevolent. "
​- JD, Tucson, Arizona, 2019
"Universal White Time Healing Level One opens up a new universe of healing potential, spiritual growth and purpose. To all Seekers and Healers, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Jeremy’s thoughtful and intuitive teaching style meets you where you are and effortlessly guides you into infinite possibility with joy and love. I am infused with life force energy and filled with peace and balance. I feel deeply honored and humbled as I embark on this new path."
​- Tina Nierenberg, Tucson, Arizona, 2018
"I have had the privilege and honor to experience many classes with Jeremy. UWTH is beyond beautiful, filled with love and light and so very gentle and in the same breath so very powerful. Jeremy clearly communicates topics and concepts with precision. He is an inspirational teacher and supports his students with love and light in a shame-free environment. Profound! UWTH is a Universal system that I am grateful is able to be shared and taught to us humans on planet Earth. Thank you, Jeremy!"
- L., Tucson, Arizona, 2018
"I enrolled in Jeremy’s first Universal White Time Healing Practitioner Training class over the Cinco de Mayo weekend 2017. I knew that my blueprint resonated with White Time as a result of attending an introductory session offered years before. I stayed present with the effect of this energy within me. It was quite subtle yet solid ... profound. For me, it feels like a refined infusion of Source energy, stimulated through choice. Since I don’t learn rapidly, I prepared for the class by reading the public materials and using YouTube videos to practice the Golden Movement. Since the class I am noticeably clearer and more efficient in access to myself and, therefore, my efforts in co-creation. At age 70, I am profoundly grateful for this boost in proficiency within myself and in my life. And yes, I immediately enrolled in the second level. ... Stay tuned!"
- Beryl Thompson, Tucson, Arizona, 2017
"Universal White Time Healing Level One surpasses anything I have experienced in Jeremy’s classes so far, and I absolutely love all of his offerings. The UWTH weekend was deeply moving...completely transforming. I have had such difficulty learning how to just 'be,' always wondering how to 'do' that.
And while therein obviously lies the problem, this class bridges that gap for me. The way for me to be, is to do what we learned in this wonderful class. The glow of that weekend and the joy of the community that was developed promise to stay with me for a very long time. I can’t wait to take UWTH Level Two. Thank you Jeremy. It was just spectacular!"
- TKL, Tucson, Arizona, 2017
"I've completed Level I Universal White Time Healing training with Jeremy Werner. It was an amazing experience learning about UWTH and its application with Jeremy. He is a man whom I consider to be an ambassador of Love and Light. He's extraordinarily knowledgeable, and a very organized, and yet flexible, teacher. He is a person who welcomes questions, teaches through discussion and practice, and opens the heart and mind. I have already practiced on my own many times and felt totally prepared by the weekend. I am profoundly changed and totally grateful. I plan to continue my trainings with Jeremy. He is beautifully leading me along a path that I have been searching for most of my life."
- Dr. Pat Watson, Psychologist, Tucson, Arizona, 2017
Universal White Time Healing: Level Two
"UWTH 2 is definitely more challenging than the first class, and with Jeremy’s excellent teaching skills and infinite patience, the accomplishments are very rewarding. My White Time healing skills have been greatly enhanced with this class. I walked away with the strong impression that I have much more to offer myself and others, along with significantly increased responsibilities that go with the additional powers. The upgrades were breathtaking. Joyful tears were shed, and the sense of increased vitality was immediate. If you loved UWTH 1, definitely take and enjoy this one too."
- TKL, Tucson, Arizona, 2017
"I completed my Level II Universal White Time Healing training with Jeremy Werner and am extraordinarily happy that I did it. I feel extremely blessed that learning these skill is even an option. In addition, as a student I am gaining the added benefits of accelerating my own spiritual development and being part of a wonderful, loving community of like-minded people. Learning from such a gifted and caring man, all in a space that is safe, supportive, and encouraging is truly a blessing. Jeremy's guidance and thorough teaching style in this process is invaluable and joyous."
- Gratefully, Dr. Pat Watson, Psychologist, Tucson, Arizona, 2017
Universal White Time Healing: Level Four
"A few years ago I'd never heard of Universal White Time Healing, but I entered treatment with Jeremy and was enjoying a lot of different improvements on many fronts and levels. Then I attended one of Jeremy's free introductions about UWTH and felt totally compelled to study with him, learn how to help others the way he does, gain a deeper connection with the helpers, and grow in my own spirituality. Well, all of that has happened and continues to happen. I've completed all 4 levels of UWTH training with Jeremy and am amazed daily with all that is being given to me for my benefit and so that I can pass it along to others. I am eternally grateful."
- Pat Watson, Ed.D., Psychologist, Tucson, Arizona, 2018
"All of the UWTH classes were amazing and completely worth all that I put into them - - preparation, practice, financial resources - - everything.
The fourth class, though, made the whole UWTH experience one absolutely not to be missed! The Level 4 class was astonishingly beautiful every single day. This class took me to skill and spiritual levels I had not imagined. I am so grateful for the opportunity to take this class. Spectacular! Thank you Jeremy."
- TKL, Tucson, Arizona, 2018